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Carrying on with our previous post we wrote about Silent Rainforest series of Green Embassy, we decided to have a very exclusive interview with the founder, and the designer of this brand, Zuhal Kuvan-Mills, to find out about the inner beauty of this brand, its purpose, and motives.

Prepare yourself a cup of coffee or tea, seat comfortably, relax, and enjoy reading this post!

Tell us a little about yourself, your background in fashion, and the reason you have decided to support the community, the environment, and the fashion industry, as an earth-friendly fashion designer.

My background is in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Science, Higher Education teaching and Art . I have a deeply rooted passion for wildlife, animals and environment. My interest in contemporary art compelled me to take a break and head back to University for the 3rd time at the age of 40 to study Contemporary art in UK. My education continued in Australia, where I graduated with a Visual art degree with passion into textile art and sculpture. I began creating textile art, but I was only interested in creating sustainable, functional art such as blankets and rugs as a piece of organic certified artwork for interiors.

In this way my textile art encourages sustainable, ecologically focused functional artwork, (which can be viewed at Less than two years ago, I participated in a textile exhibition as an Australian Textile artist. This inspired me to branch out into wearable art, and to present my work to the world of fashion. I did realize it was going to be hard, and at times I even thought that perhaps entering the fashion industry was a crazy idea. But my artist statement is all about environment and animals, wildlife. If I create artwork exhibits at Art galleries I will be reaching a few art lovers. Placing my artwork on Runways as fashion pieces will help bring my message on a global scale and in a different industry.

What inspired the name of your label, "Green Embassy"?

The name Green Embassy comes from my ethics and values. I wanted to make a statement to the world that we are all responsible for our home, Planet Earth. No borders, boundaries, nationalities matter when it comes to protecting our home. So in that sense, since my brand is very “green”, the word green made sense. "Embassy" is more of a political word; it’s like presenting my brand as its own country, in a sense. There is the UK, the Australian Embassy. My embassy is Green Embassy. It makes me imagine every country in the world as green.

How did you come up with the idea of designing your new collection, Silent Rainforest? What inspires your designs?


I was in Bali in December having a break in the tropical rainforests. I love rainforests, and I see the destruction of this precious, irreplaceable habitat, which is home to a plethora of animal and plant species and wildlife. And of course the beautiful flowers and plants every day they are destroyed forever, across the all planet, not just in Indonesia. I actually created one specific piece (Papillion), which was inspired by an orchid and I have burned the fabric to emulate the burning of the orchid. For me, that conveys the emotion of seeing the real orchids and the real life inside the rainforest being burned and harmed.

Eco­friendly fashion seems to grow more popular every day. What are some of the characteristics of your line that makes it stand out from the pack?

I use Sustainable fabrics, Organic Certified, natural fabrics, eco friendly and NO fur! Apart from material, I actually create the textiles myself long before I think about the design of the garments. I design the textiles with application of natural materials (flowers, fruits, spices) and apply traditional textile techniques such as embroidery, felting, spinning weaving, knitting, stitching and eco-printing. I always try to support and involve myself in the make sure I try to support art of textile design, a sacred art that is disappearing around the world.

" After I create my textiles, I start the creation of a series of artwork. The fashion world calls it a ‘collection’, but since my work is not just clothing, but original artwork, I prefer to call it a series.


Each series begins with a strong ecological concept and environmental inspiration.

My pieces feature my own unique artwork and each piece is made by hand by myself. No two pieces can ever be the same. I create timeless, wearable art to be passed down through generations and to be treasured. My work is not for not for land fills- it is unique, original, and durable, and will stand the test of time.

On the cusp of fall, what are your predictions for the season's biggest trends?


Romantic shades, pastel colours, flowing fabrics, purple and yellow.

What can we expect from you in the future?

Sustainability in fashion is essential for the future survival and health of our planet. If we love fashion we should all insist that our clothing is eco friendly and ethical. Fashion lovers can help facilitate this in a major way. We must all be on a global mission to save our planet and do everything we can. ­

What advice would you give to aspiring eco­entrepreneurs, especially those with an interest in sustainable apparel?

You are already on the correct path. It’s a difficult journey, full of hard work, but stay strong and keep going. Believe in yourself; know that you are doing the right thing. Secure a good, solid team. It’s important to establish that in the early days! Keep your chin up and keep pushing.

Please refer to for any inquiries you may have regarding each collection.

Photos by Green Embassy

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